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Hanging with Elephants

We signed up for a day trip with elephants through the Elephant Nature Park. It’s a rescue and rehab center for elephants outside of Chiang Mai. Their main Nature Park trips were full for the next two months, so we signed up for their ‘Elephant Freedom’ day trip instead. We went out to the countryside to see elephants that are currently transitioning from unethical tourism practices (riding and performing tricks) to conservation programs. We did a lot of research into the ethics of it all… providing an income for rural Thais that can no longer use their elephants for logging, ethical treatment of the animals, land, etc.).

We’re glad we did this trip as there were only 8 of us (as opposed to the 200+ a day who visit the main nature park) so we had a great experience with these amazing animals.

Our day consisted of prepping food and then feeding the elephants bananas, vegetation and sugarcane. We then went walking with the elephants to a location where they range for more food (entire banana trees) before heading down to the river to bathe them.

This baby elephant is only 5 months old! Priscilla gave him a stick of sugarcane before the caretakers informed us that he can’t consume hard food yet. He still chewed it and played with it for 15 minutes.

These elephants were a little intimidating to walk next to. Especially because they apparently play by grabbing your legs and pulling you down. Only the baby every tried, but he’s still a strong little guy!

We had an absolutely amazing time! In total, there was a baby, a huge bull, a couple of adult females, and two adolescents. We didn’t spend much time around the adolescents because they can be ‘naughty’ and grab hold of you with their trunks. One of them got a bit of my hand once, they’re so strong!

Tentatively petting the bull while he was busy devouring an entire banana tree. We’re the size of his leg.

Bathing the elephants and then watching them take a dirt bath was a great time. The water was pretty refreshing for us too.

Outside the elephant park, we’ve continued to eat our way through Chiang Mai. See a theme? I’m pretty sure I’ve had Khao Soi every other day. This is at one of our two regular places, which has some of the best Khao Soi in Chiang Mai: Hong Tauw Inn in Nimman. You can pretty much stop anywhere and get delicious food. Like these pork and bean buns.

Highlights of the Elephant Nature Park:

  • Bathing the elephants in the river
  • Playing with a baby elephant!
  • Handing them bananas so they can stuff their face

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One Comment

  1. Linda Nordstrom Linda Nordstrom

    So very cool.

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